Moose Jaw RM 161

Partial Road Closure Petrolia Grid – Friday October 13, 2023

Please see the following link for information regarding road closure:

Partial Road Closure Petrolia Grid

Moose Jaw RM 161

Grand Opening – RM of Moose Jaw No. 161 new Public Works Building


Tuesday July 11, 2023, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. (Presentations + Ribbon Cutting 2:30 p.m.)

RM of Moose Jaw No. 161

New Public Works Buildings

Please join us for some refreshments to celebrate the official opening of our new location.

4 miles West of City limits on Caribou St. West (Grid 735) in Boharm.

We hope to see you there!

Moose Jaw RM 161

SaskPower 2023 Wood Pole Maintenance Program

SaskPower contractors will be inspecting and performing maintenance on wood power poles near you. This work extends the life of our infrastructure, helps ensure reliable electricity for customers and saves money by reducing expensive emergency repairs. This year we will inspect almost 97,000 of our wood poles throughout the province.

Wood pole inspections involve looking for physical damage, potential signs of decay and carpenter ant infestation. Wherever possible the poles will be treated, repaired or reinforced. If a pole cannot be repaired or reinforced, it will be marked for replacement.

The contractor for this work is Central Pole Inspections and Maintenance Inc. The schedule for your district is noted on the attached information sheet.

Crews will do their best to stay within the SaskPower right-of-way as much as possible. However, workers may need access to private property in certain cases. Contractors will wear high-visibility clothing and carry identification with them, and their vehicles will be marked with their company logo. No power outages are necessary for this work.

Information Sheet – SaskPower 2023 Wood Pole Maintenance Program

Moose Jaw RM 161

Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance Scholarship

Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance will be providing five scholarships for students of clients and agents.  The recipients of the 2023 scholarships will be chosen by their Board in late July.

Please see links for further information:

SMHI Scholarship


RM Moose Jaw 161

Leafy Spurge Beetle Collection Days – Besant Campground July 3 – 6, 2023

Please see the attached Leafy Spurge Beetle Collection Days pamphlet.

Leafy Spurge Beetle Collection 2023


2023 Gopher Control Program – Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM)

SARM is administrating the Gopher Control Program on behalf of the Province.  Program funding will be prorated among all eligible claimants to a maximum of 50 per cent paid for pest control products registered for use on gophers and up to $125 per raptor platform; but not exceeding 50 per cent of total expenses reported for the claim.

A claim form must be filled out and dropped off at the RM of Moose Jaw No. 161 office with copies of invoices for all registered gopher control products claimed included.  Taxes (GST and PST) are not eligible for rebate.

The RM of Moose Jaw must submit the claim forms and supporting documentation to SARM by July 31, 2023.

RM of Moose Jaw does not carry gopher control products.  You can contact GWP Rodent Products @ 306-694-8485, or visit Co-op Agro.



SCAP-GCP-Claim-Form (1)

Pesticide Label Search – Health Canada


Moose Jaw RM 161

Proposed SaskTel Telecommunications Facility – Corner of Coteau St. W & William Ave.

SaskTel is increasing efforts to upgrade and improve the wireless services offered to their customers.  With their client needs in mind, SaskTel is considering the proposal of the above mentioned project.  Please see attached link for all details, and please respond in writing to Scott Land & Lease Ltd. Attention: Jordan Wu, by June 1, 2023, if you have any concerns or comments regarding this proposal.

SaskTel Public Notification Package


Blk/Par C Plan CI1293 Ext. 1 – ISC Parcel No. 104351363 (Hamlet of Pasqua)

Please see link for details:


Moose Jaw RM 161

Economic Development – Municipal Tax Exemption Policy – New Commercial Development – Effective January 1, 2022

  1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Encourage new development within the Municipality
  • Provide tax relief to new businesses during the construction phase
  • Contribute to economic development and growth in the Municipality
  1. Authority

Section 295 of The Municipalities Act provides municipalities with the ability to exempt specific properties from taxation for a period of time not exceeding five (5) years.


  1. Policies and Conditions

Council may enter into an agreement with a property owner or occupant, as applicable to provide certain tax exemptions under the following conditions:


  • For commercial buildings with an estimated taxable assessment valued over $500,000, certain tax exemptions will be provided for a period of four (4) years at the following percentages:

– Year 1: 100 % exemption

– Year 2: 100 % exemption

– Year 3: 50 % exemption

– Year 4: 25% exemption


  • The tax exemption applies to permanent new buildings only and is not applicable to building renovations, expansions or taxes levied on land.
  • The tax exemption will apply to the municipal tax levy only. The exemption will not apply to the education portion of the tax levy.
  • The tax emption will begin on the same year of the addition of the building onto the Assessment Roll by the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA).
  • The tax exemption, equivalent to the amount of municipal taxes for the new building will appear on the Tax Notice as a credit, to offset the municipal taxes due.


  • In order to qualify, all of the following criteria must be met:
  1. The applicant must be a legally incorporated entity;
  2. The applicant must be current with municipal taxes (no tax arrears);
  3. The proposed development must be subject to commercial/industrial taxation;
  4. The applicant must submit a Tax Exemption Application Form when obtaining a Building Permit.

3.7  Where a tax exemption has been approved under this policy and the applicant has entered into a Tax Exemption Agreement with the Municipality, the applicant remains responsible for payment of taxes levied. Taxes must be paid in full by a deadline of December 31st annually. Should the applicant fail to keep the taxes current during the term of the Tax Exemption Agreement, this will result in a default of the agreement. In the event of default, any remaining exemption under the agreement will be forfeited and no further exemptions will be granted by the Municipality to the applicant.

3.8  Temporary buildings (no foundation), work camps, home based businesses and any businesses that are subject to Grant-in-Lieu are not eligible for a tax exemption.

3.9  A tax exemption that is granted under this policy may be revoked by Council if, at any time, the Municipality determines that the applicant is in violation of any municipal bylaws or agreements with the Municipality or has failed to meet the requirements or conditions of any permits or approvals issued by the Municipality.


Economic Development Commercial exemption