2023 Gopher Control Program – Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM)
SARM is administrating the Gopher Control Program on behalf of the Province. Program funding will be prorated among all eligible claimants to a maximum of 50 per cent paid for pest control products registered for use on gophers and up to $125 per raptor platform; but not exceeding 50 per cent of total expenses reported for the claim.
A claim form must be filled out and dropped off at the RM of Moose Jaw No. 161 office with copies of invoices for all registered gopher control products claimed included. Taxes (GST and PST) are not eligible for rebate.
The RM of Moose Jaw must submit the claim forms and supporting documentation to SARM by July 31, 2023.
RM of Moose Jaw does not carry gopher control products. You can contact GWP Rodent Products @ 306-694-8485, or visit Co-op Agro.
Pesticide Label Search – Health Canada