SaskAlert – Provincial Push to Download SaskAlert App
I am writing you to ask for your help.
The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency is encouraging people to download the SaskAlert App so they can receive critical COVID-19 information in a timely manner. The app also allows people to choose how and when to hear the emergency alerts.
As your municipality/First Nation Community is participating in SaskAlert, I am hoping you can assist by encouraging your residents to download the app. If you could share this message on your website, promote it on your social media accounts or include it in any sort of mail outs to your residents, that would be greatly appreciated.
The more people that have the app, the more efficient we can be with targeting people in a specific area, including your jurisdiction, that might require emergency information.
Thank you in advance for helping to get this message out to your residents.
Jean Longpre
SaskAlert Manager
Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency
1855 Victoria Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 3T2
Office phone: 306 787-6678