March 21, 2024
TO: Past Dust Control/Cost Share participants and others
The R.M. of Moose Jaw No. 161 is again offering a cost-share program on the application of dust suppressant via Fort Distributors Ltd of the Magnesium Chloride (environment friendly) dust suppressant. The advantage this product has over the oil-based dust control agents is the ability to lightly grade the road should the conditions call for it. In order to ensure the safety of Municipal roads, it is important to have a product that can withstand periodic light grading from time to time.
In order to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of this product, Council has made the decision to apply a second application to all locations. If the conditions are too wet throughout the remainder year, a single application will only be used.
Please note the following conditions with regard to the Mag Chloride product:
- The total cost share of application for a 500-foot long by approximately 24-foot wide-double application (1 application in spring and 2nd application in late summer) is $1,125.00 + $56.25 GST = $1,181.25. Should wetter conditions exist whereby only a single application is required, credit will be given. Due to the increased cost of the product, the cost per foot for 2024 is $2.25/foot + GST.
- Cost share arrangements will be pro-rated where more or less than 500-feet in length are required/requested.
- It is anticipated that the product will be applied in May and again in August (depending on conditions).
- Road safety is the main priority for the Municipal Public Works. In extreme circumstances that require heavier grading conditions the dust control agent may be ineffective. While efforts to re-activate the product (i.e. wetting down the area) may occur, the Municipality makes no warranty on the product due to extreme traffic and conditions.
Should you choose to participate, PRE-PAYMENT IS REQUIRED, no later than April 22, 2024. Please return this letter with payment to the municipal office indicating that you wish to participate in the cost share dust suppressant program for 2024. If your site or situation is non-standard, please contact the municipal office to determine the cost to you given your unique circumstances. Thank you for your cooperation.
Do you wish to participate in the 2024 cost share dust suppressant program being offered by RM 161 at the rates noted above and subject to the information/criteria noted? Pre-Payment is required.
Printed Name _______________________________Signature
I understand and agree to the conditions listed above.
Land Location: