RM of Moose Jaw 161 Grater

Road Construction Notice

January 28, 2021



Local Residents and Landowners




Re: Road Construction Notice-Clay-cap project on TWP RD 170



Please be advised that the RM of Moose Jaw No. 161 will be proceeding with the clay-cap of 2 miles of TWP RD 170 (Caribou St. W.) heading east from the Boharm Grid. It is anticipated the project will be taking place in May 2021 and last approximately 3 weeks, depending on weather conditions.


Gee Bee Construction from Kipling, SK was awarded the tender for the project. Clay material will be hauled from RM owned property in Boharm and applied to the road surface.


While there will be some ditch work completed for sloping, etc., Gee Bee will not be impacting or disturbing any trees in the process. Furthermore, work will be conducted in a way to allow traffic to flow on ½ of the roadway while construction occurs on the remaining half.


Council for the RM of Moose Jaw appreciates your patience throughout this process. The result will provide a stronger and safer road surface for many years to come.


Please do not hesitate to call the Municipal office with any comments or concerns.






Mike Wirges

Rural Municipal Administrator

Moose Jaw RM 161

Employment Ad

Seasonal Public Works position                               RM of Moose Jaw No. 161

The Rural Municipality of Moose Jaw No. 161 is accepting applications for a seasonal Public Works position typically beginning March 1 and ending Oct. 31 each year. Applicants must possess a minimum Class 3A license (preference given to Class 1A) and have skills and experience in maintenance and operation of equipment including tandem gravel truck, tractor & mower, pull type scraper and Bobcat.

Assets for this position include a strong work ethic; excellent time management and communication skills; strong organizational and relationship skills with ratepayers, staff, and council.

Reporting to the Municipal Foreman, duties will include but are not limited to trucking, mowing, loading, hauling gravel, installing culverts, installing signs, servicing equipment and other duties as directed by council from time to time.

Please include desired salary or hourly wages expected along with references. The position also includes a full benefit package containing health, dental and life insurance along with a strong pension plan.

All applications/resumes shall be marked “Seasonal Public Works Position” and emailed, mailed or dropped off at the address below on or before February 5th, 2021. We thank all applicants for their interest in this position but only persons selected for interviews will be contacted.

Please forward your resumes and references to:


The Rural Municipality of Moose Jaw No. 161

Personnel Committee

#3-1410 Caribou St. W.

Moose Jaw, SK  S6H 7S9


Email: [email protected]