RM Moose Jaw 161

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation – 2019 Harvest

October 8, 2019


Dear Industry Partners:

Re:  2019 Harvest

The Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) understands the challenges producers are facing this fall due to recent heavy rain and snow delaying harvest. I would like to take this opportunity to provide some information about coverage options available to Saskatchewan farmers and ranchers.

Crop Insurance provides coverage for both yield and quality loss on insured crops. It is important producers stay in contact with SCIC about their crop quality. Our offices will be able to identify producers who appear to be in a claim position due to quality losses.

If a Crop Insurance customer wants to put their crop to an alternate use, they simply need to contact their local SCIC office or Crop Insurance Customer Service toll-free line, at 1-888-935-0000. SCIC is committed to dispatching our adjusters to process producer’s pre-harvest appraisal, as timely as possible. In order to provide an accurate inspection for both yield and quality loss, SCIC prefers a harvested check-strip, with an adjuster present, to complete a producer’s appraisal and calculate any potential claim.

For those livestock producers worried about nitrates and other quality issues with feed stock or inquiring about winter feed plans, resources are available through the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture. Ministry specialists are available to assist producers with obtaining an analysis of their feed and developing a feeding plan for their livestock. Livestock and Feed Extension Specialists can also assist producers in management and planning when faced with salvaging grain crops for livestock forage. I encourage producers to please contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377 or take advantage of the current SaskAgNow article discussing managing winter feeding with alternative feed sources, feed testing, winder feeding plans and; canola hay/silage for livestock: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/business/agriculture-natural-resources-and-industry/agribusiness-farmers-and-ranchers/sask-ag-now/livestock-and-feed.

With crops currently still out in the field, I want to also remind your members about the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. All Saskatchewan producers are eligible for coverage. Producers do not have to be a Crop Insurance customer to be eligible to submit a claim. Producers are encouraged to contact SCIC as soon as damage is detected: 1-888-935-0000. SCIC continues to monitor Wildlife Damage calls over the weekends during harvest season.

For those producer’s enrolled in AgriStability for the 2019 program year, lower than expected yields and crop quality downgrading could impact a participant’s margin. AgriStability participants can apply for an interim benefit before the year is over. Interim benefits allow producers to receive up to 50 per cent of their AgriStability benefit early. If producers have questions about AgriStability, they can contact their local SCIC office or call the AgriStability Call Centre at 1-866-270-8450.

As a producer myself, I understand this is a stressful time. The Farm Stress Line is available at

1-800-667-4442. This is a 24/7 confidential service, available to producers across the province. Whether your members are seeking information, or trying to manage a conflict or crisis, I encourage producers to reach out and seek assistance, if needed.

I am hopeful 2019 harvest will be completed through October and November. In the event harvest is further delayed and producers are unable to harvest their crop by November 15, Crop Insurance customers have the option to request an extension of insurance. An extension of insurance provides coverage on insured crops over winter. November 15 is also the deadline to file a claim and/or report their production declaration, following the completion of harvest. For more information on this, or any of SCIC’s programs, please visit our website: scic.ca.

We are currently monitoring the weather and harvest progress. SCIC is working alongside the Ministry of Agriculture, and our industry partners, to keep producers informed. I would encourage you to share this information with your members and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact my office.




Shawn Jaques
President and CEO

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation



Regular Council Meeting – Wednesday, October 9th, 2019

Rural Municipality of Moose Jaw No. 161






TIME:                  8:30 a.m.

                             DATE:                 Wednesday, October 9, 2019

                             PLACE:              Regional Municipal Plaza Inc.

                                                          1410 Caribou Street West

                                                          Moose Jaw, SK








Mike Wirges



Notice of Abandonment of Poll – Municipal By-Election 2019


Bruce Richards, nominated for the Office of Councillor, Division Three;

is the only candidate, I hereby give notice that no voting for this office will take place on October 23, 2019.


Mike Wirges

(Returning Officer)


Dated this 19th day of September, 2019


Waste Management Services

The RM of Moose Jaw is pleased to announce an exclusive offer for RM of Moose Jaw Ratepayers.

Waste Management was awarded a contract to provide waste bins to ratepayers within the RM at a reduced cost.

The attached pricing is based on a 4 yard garbage bin, picked up every 4 weeks.

For a limited time only  (until October 31, 2019), the initial delivery of the waste bin will cost $50.00 (regular price $185.00).


Please see attached for more information or contact Audrey McKinnon  for setup (Account Manager – Waste Management of Canada).

Phone 306-527-1966 or 306-790-2026

email: amckinnonwm.com


Waste Management details



Hay Bale

Hay Salvage/Ditch Mowing

Once again, producers can take advantage of free hay in  provincial highway ditches.

Hay can be salvaged any time during the spring or summer months. Before and including July 8, landowners or lessees nearest/adjacent to the ditch have the first option to cut or bale material, but after that day anyone can cut and bale without permission from the property-owner, as long as no salvage operations have already begun. It is recommended that participants contact their local ministry office to provide contact information and limits on where they are salvaging hay to avoid disputes.

Hay must be cut at a uniform height in ditches and bales must be placed at least eight metres away from the shoulder of the highway. Bales must be removed by August 8, otherwise they may be subject to removal and disposal by the ministry. After August 8, bales must be removed immediately following haying operations. The ministry may also remove and dispose of hay bales in locations deemed unsafe for drivers.

Ditch Mowing

The ministry is working on its annual early mowing program along high traffic volume highways, which begins June 7 and will continue until July 15. Contractors cut a four-metre wide swath along shoulders adjacent to Highways 1, 7, 11, 16 and 39, along with portions of Highways 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9,  and 10. During this time, mowing may be completed near some highway intersections and interchanges, railway crossings and tourism facilities.

Regular ditch mowing will occur along all four-lane highways between July 15 and the fall months. A four-metre-wide strip will be mowed adjacent to the other highways with additional mowing as required to ensure visibility and weed control. Progress is weather dependent.

Key Dates

  • June 7 – July 15: Mowing includes a four-metre shoulder cut adjacent to the road. Highways 1, 7, 11, 16 and 39, along with portions of Highways 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10. Some highway intersections may receive a full ditch cut to ensure good sightlines.
  • July 8: Prior to and including this date, a landowner or lessee nearest to a highway ditch has the first option to cut or bale hay. After this date, anyone may cut and bale hay or grass in a highway ditch without getting the permission of the adjacent landowner.
  • July 15 – Oct. 15: Contractors begin mowing the width of ditches along all four-lane highways. All other highways get a four-metre cut adjacent to the highway shoulder.
  • August 8: All hay bales must be removed from ditches or they may be removed and disposed of at the ministry’s discretion.

Ministry Contacts

For additional information or to provide contact information and limits of hay salvage operations, please contact the district office in your area:


Swift Current District                                 Moose Jaw District                                 Weyburn District

303 – 350 Cheadle Street West                   Box 457, Highway 2 South                     18 Souris Avenue North West

Swift Current, S9H 4G3                                 Moose Jaw, S6H 4P1                                Weyburn, S4H3 M7

306-778-8322                                                   306-694-3711                                            306-848-2435


North Battleford District                          Saskatoon District                                 Yorkton District

502 – 114th Street                                           126 – 105th Street East                          304 -120 Smith Street East

North Battleford, S9A 2M6                          Saskatoon, S7N1Z3                                 Yorkton, S3N3V3

306-446-7470                                                   306 933-5306                                            306-786-1658


Meadow Lake District                                Prince Albert District                                  La Ronge District

Box 1350, 212 1st Street East                       Box 3003, 81 North Industrial Drive         Box 597, 1328 La Ronge Avenue
Meadow Lake, S9X 1Z1                                 Prince Albert, S6V 6G1                                  La Ronge, S0J 1L0
306-236-7652                                                   306-953-2735                                                  306-425-4494


2019 R.M. of Moose Jaw Meeting Schedule


Regular Meetings of Council-2019

 Wednesday, January 9, 2019

 Tuesday, February 12, 2019

 Tuesday, March 5, 2019 (SARM Convention)

 Tuesday, April 9, 2019

 Tuesday, May 7, 2019 (RMAA Convention)

 Tuesday, June 4, 2019 (SARM Div. 2 Meeting)

 Tuesday, July 9, 2019

 Tuesday, August 13, 2019

 Tuesday, September 10, 2019

 Tuesday, October 8, 2019

 Tuesday, November 12, 2019

 Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Moose Jaw RM 161

Overweight Permits

Phone Province & State Permitting Inc. for all overweight permits @ 1-877-547-4095

Effective April 13, 2018 all overweight permitting for within the Rural Municipality of Moose Jaw No. 161 will be handled by Province & State Permitting Inc.

Please contact Province & State Permitting Inc. @ 1-877-547-4095 for any information regarding an overweight permit within the RM of Moose Jaw No. 161.