
Notice of Vote 2022

Notice of Poll and Advance Poll-Division 2

The Rural Municipality of Moose Jaw No 161

Municipal Election 2022



Holly Jorstad and Rene Steinhauer;

have been nominated for the Office of Councillor, Division Two;

I hereby give notice that voting for this office will take place on:


November 9th, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Advance Voting will take place on November 2nd, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


All voting will take place at:

Regional Municipal Plaza

 Meeting Room #2

  1410 Caribou St. W.  Moose Jaw, SK


Mike Wirges

(Returning Officer)

Dated this 6th day of October, 2022


Notice of Vote 2022

Moose Jaw RM 161

Abandonment of Poll 2022

Notice of Abandonment of Poll

The Rural Municipality of Moose Jaw No 161

Municipal Election 2022



Scott Durrant, nominated for the Office for Councillor, Division Four;

Kim Dalgarno, nominated for the Office for Councillor, Division Six;

are the only candidates, I hereby give notice that no voting for these offices will take place on November 9th, 2022.


Mike Wirges

(Returning Officer)



Dated this 6th day of October, 2022

Abandonment of Poll 2022

Barley Farming Moose Jaw

$1500 Student Scholarship

Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities 90th Anniversary Student Scholarship.

See information in link.

SARM Scholarship

Moose Jaw RM 161

RM of Moose Jaw No. 161 Call for Nominations

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of: Division No 2; Division No 4; Division No 6;

will be received by the undersigned on the 13th day of September, 2022 , from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at #3-1410 Caribou St. W., Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, to October 5th, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.

Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location(s):

#3 – 1410 Caribou Street West, Moose Jaw, SK   S6H 7S9

or below:


Call for Nominations 2022

Election Criteria

Nomination Form 


Catch & Sale of Leafy Spurge Beetles

Good afternoon,

We are a small group under the guidance of Harvey Anderson.

We are catching 2500 beetles for $75. We start July 4th to about the 11th and will stay out longer if needed. We would prefer if everyone could preorder the beetles and if you could pick them up the day of or the day after. We are able to deliver if you’re close to Moose Jaw or Saskatoon. Please contact Speirious Prokulevich if you would like to make arrangements in regards to orders. You can reach me at (639) 470-2048 by call or text, or you can simply reply to this email. Thank you!






Speirious Prokulevich

Insect Conservationist



Leafy Spurge Beetle collection Days 2022

July 4 – 8, 2022 (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) @ Besant Campground.

Please see link for details:

Leafy Spurge Beetle Collection 2022

Moose Jaw RM 161

RM office will be closed May 17-19, 2022 for the Rural Municipal Administrator’s Association annual meeting.

For emergencies please contact our Municipal Foreman – Sid Wilson @ 306-631-7944 or Reeve – Ron Brumwell @ 306-631-1319

Railway crossing on Highway 363 near 24th Ave will be closed on May 16 & 17, 2022 (this was postponed due to weather)

CP Rail is planning work at the crossing on Hwy 363 near 24 Ave W. Road will be detoured as per attached picture.

RM of Baildon – Discretionary Use Notice

The Rural Municipality of Baildon No. 131 Discretionary Use Application/Notice.

The Council of the Rural Municipality of Baildon No. 131 hereby gives notice, pursuant to section 6.4{1)(iv) of the Zoning Bylaw. Bylaw 08-2015, to allow the public to comment on a discretionary use development permit application respecting a proposed expansion of an Intensive Livestock Operation situated on Section SE 32-15-26-W2, operated by Top Gun Feeders Inc.
The purpose of the meeting is to enable Council to hear any concerns that may exist respecting the development proposal and to allow the applicant to explain the processes planned to limit those concerns to neighboring properties.

Council will hold a public meeting at the Regional Municipal Plaza located at 1- 1410 Caribou Street West, Moose Jaw on May 11,2022 at 8:30 a.m. to hear comments or concerns from any person or group who wants to comment on the proposed intensive livestock operation expansion. Council will also consider at the hearing any written comments or concerns received or delivered to the undersigned at the municipal office before the hearing.

Dated at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan this 26th day of April,2022.

(a) Address for Mail or hand-delivery:
Rural Municipality of Bai/don #131
#1-1410 Caribou St. W., Moose Jaw, SK S6H 7S9
(b) E-mail address: rm131@sasktel net, Fax (306) 693-2170, phone (306)693-2166

Administrator/Development Officer RM of Baildon No. 131

Moose Jaw RM 161

Snow Removal from Private Lanes

With the snowfall received thus far in 2021/22, we were all certainly challenged to finding an “appropriate home” for the excess snow in our lanes and roadways. The Municipality can certainly appreciate that residents want to dispose of snow from their laneways as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, the Municipality is experiencing an increase of the amount of snow from private lanes pushed onto Municipal Road allowances. In several cases, the snow-piles are left on the sides of roads to the point where traffic is down to one lane or worse, whereby the snow has drifted completely across the road making it impassable and dangerous for traffic. Therefore, we ask that snow from private laneways be kept on your existing property and not pushed onto Municipal Road allowances or public streets.

While the Municipality does its best to keep up with the snow removal on our roads, we cannot possibly clear the snow at every location simultaneously. Our many “Thanks” go out to those of you that have taken it upon them-selves to clear the snow when our crews were unable to reach everyone as quickly as possible. In addition, if you have not done so already and are currently removing snow from Municipal roadways, we encourage you to stop by the RM office to complete an “Occupational Health and Safety Exemption” form.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please the Municipal office (306) 692-3446 or email: [email protected]

Thank you for your time and consideration.